The word “hypnosis” (Greek “sleep”) is not exactly medical, it is more correct to say “medical hypnosis” or “hypnotherapy”. Hypnotherapy services are based on the technique of inducing trance, and trance itself is a special temporary state of consciousness, during which concentration of attention narrows and self—control weakens.
There are certain limitations to the use of hypnosis. It is undesirable to use it to restore memory, because memories under hypnotic influence look like real ones, although in fact they may be false, inspired by the liberated subconscious or incorrect settings of the hypnologist.
People often refer to a hypnologist for such disorders and problems as:
- various phobias;
- drug addiction;
- getting rid of bad habits and addictions, including hypnosis from love addiction;
- pain management;
- skin diseases;
- striving to improve athletic fitness;
- getting rid of excess weight;
- achieving relaxation;
- preoperative psychological preparation (premedication), etc.
Hypnosis is most effective for the treatment of psychosomatic disorders. Having got rid of the negative scenario played out by the imagination with the help of hypnotic suggestion, the body triggers the mechanisms of restoration and normalization of all systems` functions. As a result, well-being improves, and all pathological symptoms disappear in a short period of time. For example, hypnosis from stuttering is successfully practiced. It is also quite effective to treat neuroses with hypnosis, which in this case is an element of complex therapy.
Most mental disorders are associated with a dissonance between false and real needs. False needs are the responsibility of consciousness, which forms them from past experience or public opinion, and the true needs are hidden by the subconscious. Regressive hypnosis helps to extract them from there. Having realized true needs, a person can finally realize them and thereby regain peace of mind. Sometimes this does not even require hypnotic suggestion; consciousness and subconsciousness synchronize their work and thereby ensure successful self-realization of the individual.
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